Launch Day Came….and Went

We missed our target date.  Some last minute issues with shipments and getting code to integrate left us behind schedule.  We hope we have only been delayed a week and our site will be on line by Sunday night.

We have no major time constraints.  Given the choice, we will always wait for quality before moving ahead.  For that reason, none of us are too stressed about the delay.  Disappointed, yes, but we know we’ll get there soon.  It gives our webmaster time to double check everything, it gives our shipping and receiving manager more time to perfect the process, and it gives me more time to write.  However, we all know the deadline is there and we’re all working hard to make it happen.

We would like to thank family and friends for their encouragement, support, and tolerance of late hours. 🙂  Just a little while longer.

Published in: on August 20, 2008 at 6:27 pm  Comments (3)  
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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I hope the shipments have arrived and are stisfactory so all will be well when launch happens.
    Wishing you and your shipping and receiving manager the best

  2. I’m not sure what biz you’re launching, but I know it’s quite the process, and so rewarding when you can finally see “it” the way the rest of the world sees it. Make it all the more real. How exciting. Good luck!


  3. Hi, D, and hey, Jayne 🙂

    I think I must have suffered from post confusion or was too caught up in not broadcasting too early. I’m so sorry. This weekend, with a little luck and a lot of hard work, B J Keltz Company will launch the write your mind journals website ( First, we sell journals. I’m excited to have Clairefontaine, Retro Printing, and handmade leather journals from M Brasher on board. Second, we run a daily E-zine, which features a new article, quote and tip every day, and will build to a pretty hefty database by the end of six months or so. The e-zine portion of the business is to educate on and promote journaling and writing/writing process.

    This blog will become the official company blog. Personal blogging will move to and most of these posts are also there. I fight this a little bit, I’ll admit, so just decided the business blog will still be personal. That’s the way I write /shrug.

    Well, now I’m “out of the closet,” so to speak. 🙂 I can’t believe I hadn’t mentioned it, but know this blog was started the end of June…way too soon for us to have a firm deadline.

    Good to hear from you both!

    B J Keltz
    PS the journals are awesome. I’ve been playing with inventory for several days. D, the final shipment will be here tomorrow. Woot!

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