Keeping a Calendar…Encouraging Progress

Two weeks ago, I found a magnetic calendar stuffed in between some books on the bookcase.  It’s a pretty pink paper with roses on it…a leftover gift from my bridal shower more than 18 months ago.  Seven days are in columns across the page.  It’s undated.


I’m not sure why I started writing down what I did for the business, but after three days, I was hooked.  We’re in the stage where there’s a lot going on behind the scenes, but little visible progress.  I’m working hard, but wondering what the heck I’m accomplishing.


Now I know.


I have two weeks’ worth of progress…a record of the time I’ve spent making this business a reality.


One thing I see much more clearly now is the fill and empty pattern of my creativity.  It looks as if I accomplished little on Tuesday.  The calendar says I did research for about three hours and revised web content.  And yet, Wednesday evening, I wrote three pieces, added to and reformatted the web content, and was off to other projects…all in about 90 minutes.  The pieces I wrote required little editing.  The content is done.


I also didn’t realize how many small decisions I make every day until I started writing them down.  I feel as if I’m working.  Now I have a record to prove that I was, indeed.


Of course, some days are more productive than others.  Much of my physical energy still goes into my day job, but even so, things are stewing and percolating in the back of my mind.  If I can stay awake for 5 hours after coming home, I can get it all out onto paper in a form I can go back and revise later.  Those nights I nod off at the keyboard frustrate me.  I understand, however, that I have been working long hours and it will happen on occasion.  I quit beating myself up for it when I realized it rarely happens more than once a week.  Consider it my “down” time. J


It’s the best little business exercise I’ve started to date.  I can look back at the week and see progress.  Visible on the web site or not, it’s there.  Things are getting done.  All is good.

Published in: on July 27, 2008 at 12:06 am  Leave a Comment  
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