Choosing a Title

One of the cool things about starting your own business is getting to choose your title.  there are plenty of legal documents and licenses in which I’m listed as “owner” and “proprietor,” but…well…<yawn>.  Perhaps it’s my exposure to the MMORPG world, but those titles are just boring.  (They are also a little scary, but don’t tell anyone I said so!)

So what is it I do around here?  I write.  I design.  I maintain, update, research, and crunch numbers.  I could extract a lot of titles from such tasks.  I’m sure they’d all sound professional and look great on business cards or a resume.  But…Do they describe me?  Am I willing to settle for a run-of-the-mill designation?

These days, the web is all about community and the sharing of information.  With this has come the acceptance of a little whimsy and the individual personalities  of your favorite bloggers and editors.  There is no way you can come to Write Your Mind Journals on a consistent basis and not learn about me as a writer, teacher, or encourager.  My passions–love for the creative process, journaling and metaphor are all out there and exposed as well.

Since all these things are clearly exposed, you learn quickly that I’m a “half fun, full earnest” kind of gal.  Humor might be subtle, but it’s usually in there somewhere.

If you are accustomed to the spirit of Web 2.0, you’ll be able to handle a little whimsy and humor without a blink.  Keeping this in mind, I have chosen my title.  It’s descriptive enough for all but the tax men.

Everyone here at B J Keltz Company has been invited to create their own title.  We already call our web guy the web maestro, for example.  We all wear many hats, but have one primary area of responsibility.  Why not choose our own?  Created titles are far more descriptive than “shipping manager” or “bookkeeper.”

So, given that I enjoy humor and a bit of whimsy and believe our readers do as well, I have appended the title “Chief Pen” to my name.  It is, after all, the most indicative of my personality and my primary responsibility.

Create your own title!  Why not?

B J Keltz, Chief Pen

Write Your Mind Journals and B J Keltz Company

Published in: on September 1, 2008 at 9:05 pm  Leave a Comment  
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